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page[/<switch>] [<player-list>=]<message>.

 This command sends a message to a player or list of players. If
 the player's name contains spaces, surround it with double-quotes.
 If you have already paged someone since connecting, just typing:

   page <message>

 will send the message to the last person paged. You cannot page a 
 player if they are set HAVEN or if you do not pass their page-lock.

   > page airwolf=hi there!
   You paged Airwolf with 'hi there!'.
   > page see, I don't have to retype the name.
   You paged Airwolf with 'see, I don't have to retype the name.'.
   > page "John Lennon" Ringo=Paul's fine!

 Page will attempt a partial match on the name, checking both for an
 @alias and to see if the name matches someone connected. If the first
 character of <message> is a : or a ;, it will send the page in pose

 Objects may page players, but not vice versa. If an object pages
 a NOSPOOF player, that player will see the object's number in
 square brackets, in front of the message, in a fashion similar to
 the way NOSPOOF flags emits.

 Page takes three switches: /blind, /list, and /noeval.
 The /blind switch forces page to send a separate page for each player
 in the list of players to page. This allows you to page multiple players
 without any of the targets knowing that the page was sent to others as

 The /list switch simply forces the default behavior of page which
 informs all the players paged who else was paged and also notifies 
 the pager just once, which makes for less spam.

 The /noeval switch prevents the MUSH from evaluating the message.

See also: @lock, @alias, pose, :, ;, HAVEN, NOSPOOF, FLAGS

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